Planning Flights
Aeronautical Information
Aeronautical information is always changing. Aviation charts and other
data are created by each country's air navigation service provider (ANSP)
and published as Aeronautical Information Publications (AIP) on a
28-day cycle called the AIRAC cycle. In PC flight simulators,
however, the navigation data is static or is updated only infrequently.
This means that becomes out of date, which is a problem especially when
flying on-line as VATSIM and IVAO expects pilots to operate with the latest
navigation charts.
Each ANSP nowadays tends to publish its AIP on-line and often for free.
However, these data need to be gathered by the pilot manually from
each ANSP, are not necessarily easy to work with and cannot be input
directly into the simulator's navigation databases (and manual editing
is impractical). Companies and organisations such as Jeppesen or Lufthansa
LIDO therefore exist to compile information from each ANSP, package it as
charts and navigation databases, and sell them to airlines and other users.
For flight simulator users,
Navigraph buys
navigation data and charts from Jeppesen and repackages it expressly for flight
simulators, with navigation databases for the Garmin and Flight Management
Systems even tailored to individual payware aircraft, at a much lower cost
than service to airlines (although not zero).
For basic information on airways and airports, especially in the USA, has
free VFR and IFR aeronautical charts.
Flight Planning Tools
Even with access to real world en route charts through a free service
like Skyvector or from AIP data, a flight planning assistance tool is
well worth obtaining. (FSX has its own built in planner but there are
products that do the job much better. X-Plane does not have an inbuilt
planner.) There are two good freeware flight plannings applications
now available on the Internet.
Little Nav Map
Little Navmap is (as at the end of 2022) a freeware planner
for FSX, P3D and X-Plane. Little Navmap collects its data from your
simulator's scenery files and so its database becomes unique to your
scenery collection, and it ships with a default navigation database that
can be updated by downloading the latest AIRAC cycle from Navigraph for
a fee.
You can use the Little Navmap map display and functions to plan your
route with a few simple mouse clicks. Little Navmap can then save the
planned route in a format which can be loaded into the autopilot and/or
FMC and then, if you wish, automatically fly the planned route you
have just created - not that that is actually much fun! In a sense Little Navmap
is a GPS navigation system with lots of functions and possibilities
depending on the system(s) you have and what you want to do. When flying online,
you can also see on the map display, other aircraft on the network within a
40 Nm radius of your aircraft. Flying (IFR and/or VFR)
is therefore made easy by using it as a real time moving map.
For information on the freeware Little Navmap see
Plan-G has been around for several years, and was one of the
first, if not the first, map-based flight planner for
all simulators. It is simple to use and can create flight plans
for direct use in FSX or P3D. Its target audience really
is General Aviation pilots, but it can be used for long-haul
with some limitations. Details can be found on the
Plan-G website.
Flights and Procedures
All flights should be logged. The PIREPs option on the main
menu takes you to the form to record your flight. The result
is emailed to the webmaster who adds it to the running record
shown on the Pilots web page. The form includes error trapping
to prevent simple errors. Flight times should be recorded as
in real life from the time you start taxying (brakes off) until
you come to a halt at your destination (brakes on).
Do not rely on the clock in FS to record your flight
times. The "World" tab in FSX gives UTC time as
well as local time. Use UTC times for your flights.
JHB Airlines keeps only limited data, so if you want
full details of your flights such as times, day or night
flight, visual or instrument flight, then keep your own
records, plus backups. Hard drive crashes are not uncommon
and some pilots have had the misfortune to lose all their
valuable pilot records.
JHB Airlines does not give pilots assignments. Members are
free to fly what they wish, where they wish. Pilots are
welcome to start off with the flight packs listed on the
Flight Pack page. However, controller coverage online is
variable and manned controller positions may determine
the routes that pilots choose to fly.
Still interested ??
If you are interested in flying with us, send an email
Upon receipt of a pilot application, you will be assigned a
temporary JHB Pilot ID. New pilots will be required to fly
at least two flights each of 30 minutes minimum duration in
the first two weeks with the airline. They will have a further
one week to submit their first Pilot Reports (PIREPs) for
these flights. On receipt of the reports they will be validated
and, if correct, the pilot will be given a JHB Pilot ID and
the rank of Pilot Officer. If a pilot does not submit a flight
report within one week period without a valid reason for not
doing so, he or she will not qualify for admission to the
airline. All new pilots must also join the JHB Airlines Forum.
Pilot Promotions
JHB Pilot promotions are based on hours flown. The current
ranks and hours required are:
Rank |
Stripes |
Hours required |
Flight Officer |
0 - 10 |
Captain |
Over 10 |
Flight Captain |
Over 20 |
Senior Captain |
Over 40 |
Senior Flight Captain |
Over 80 |
Commercial Captain |
Over 150 |
Senior Commercial Captain
|  |
Over 300 |
ATP Captain |
Over 500 |
Senior ATP Captain |
Over 750 |
Master ATP Captain |
Over 1500 |
Command ATP Captain |
Over 3500 |
Additional Awards
Global Rating - 
Pilots who complete a round world flight will be awarded
a G suffix to their Pilot ID and a gold star on their
rank. The circumnavigation can be of any chosen route
but total flight distance must exceed 20,000nm.
Before joining JHB Airlines, please read this Manual to be
sure we are right for your flight simulation needs and expectations.
Contact us at
Do not hesitate to ask any questions..... JHB is a very friendly
hub and all my pilots would respond to any questions you may
wish to ask about the airline.